Rules proof: Fuck me in the arse with a cactus [b]Name:[/b] Edward McNeill [b]Age:[/b] 54 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Profession:[/b] Police and Federal agent Negotiator, PHD in Psychology and Communication [b]Social Network Status[/b]: (he really doesnt go in for that kind of thing) [hider=Appearance] [img][/img][/hider] [b]Upbringing and History:[/b] Edward was born on the isle of Skye off the coast of Scotland. His family wasnt poor as most people believe scots crofters are, in fact they were quite well off in comparison. But the family preferred rural island life to the bustle of the mainland and Edward grew up quietly and happily. It became obvious to his parents and his school that he had a good and inquisitive mind and he generally excelled in most things. He was excessively thoughtful of others though, keeping his own problems completely to himself and dealing with them that way as well. He very quickly decided he wanted a career in the police forces, however his parents were discouraging, considering it a waste of his mental capabilities. So with this in mind he instead pursued a degree in Criminal psychology in the University of St Andrews. His undergraduate tutors recognised both his abilities as well as his wishes and very quickly recommended him a career in Police negotiation and, after some consideration and discussion with his family, he dedicated himself fully to this path. As a young adult he was charismatic and one of those people who seemed to have everything sorted in their life. People naturally gravitated towards him and throughout his university years he had a large friendship group. However he was bad at keeping friends close, being someone who always insisted he was alright and generally ignored his own mental well-being. So those who wished to know him better hit a wall and never got any further. For some it was easy to accept while for others it was aggravating and they usually drifted away. He finished university and entered a Police academy to continue his pursuit of his career, gaining firearm and combat experience along with a sturdier mindset and an even more hardened exterior. He was very good at empathy, it was discovered, very good at watching a person and understanding their motives and actions. His tutors allowed him special opportunities to meet with experienced negotiators and be present at police interrogations. It was in Police academy that he met [url=]his wife Catelyn[/url]. She was a fiery and passionate person and basically swept him off his feet. They laughed together and were excited together and generally their romance was pretty average. She wanted to go to america after they had finished their training. Edward did not like the idea but he never properly expressed this, again putting his feelings aside for others. They Graduated both with merit and Edward said goodbye to his family before taking the flight to New York, his new wife having already bought a house for them in the city. Edward wasn't happy in the city, it was far too busy and loud for his taste. But again he never said anything and finally began his Career as a Police negotiator. The district department was very glad to have him and eagerly gave him the job. He didnt have a perfect record of success, no one did, but the large majorities of high risk situations he was put into ended well without many human casualties and this was definately what Edward enjoyed doing. He had chosen his career well and this was the source of happiness in his life. This did mean however, that he spent less and less time at home. The couple had a daughter two years after their marriage, Allison, and Edward doted on her and loved every minute of fatherhood. He was a good father, except for his continuous absence. Gradually Catelyn and he began to drift apart, sometimes there were rows, sometimes there was silence, but mostly they just began to ignore each other. Eventually Edward finally expressed his hatred of the city and his misery at having been dragged halfway across the world from all his family and friends and how much he wrongfully blamed her for it. It was the end of their marriage, Catelyn horribly bitter at having been lied too and pushed away for so many years and Edward just tired. It was an amicable divorce in general and they determinedly tried to work out the best way for them to still raise Allison together. It was well thought out and Edward and Catelyn had as much of an equal involvement in her life as possible. Nothing was perfect but they all moved forward together. Edward still had to stay in New York, but this was something he had to do for his daughter and he accepted that completely, continuing to find happiness and enjoyment in his work. [b]Power:[/b] (To be given by mods.) Human Database - At first level when asking someone a question you can immediately tell if they are lying or telling the truth.