"You're being assigned a Padawan." Hunter blinked, " A Padawan?" Master Durron smiled slightly at his confused answer, "Yes, Raeinsho, a Padawan.". He sat forward in his seat and put a hand over his fist, elbows on his knees, "Her name is Kreia Azura and she is very...unique." Hunter picked up on his hesitation, "Unique in what way?" he asked. This time Jaina Solo-fel spoke "She is extremely skilled with a lightsaber, she may even be a match for you, but her force abilities are lacking, with some exceptions. She isn't very social and is very difficult to become friends with, or even to get to know...although we know everything about her already." She leaned back and sighed "She may be a little too much for you to handle, Hawk." Hunter couldn't help but smile, he hadn't been called Hawk since the Yuuzhan Vong War, for his incredible ability to see a weakness in any enemy, with a Hawk's eye. He had fought along side Jaina and that's what she nicknamed him, "We picked you because of your ability to make anyone feel comfortable with you, her former master has been assigned a mission that he must undertake alone." Hunter nodded, he knew that was the kind of mission that the odds were very possible that he didn't come back. Grand Master Sebatyne finally spoke up "There is something you should know, she is from the Lost Tribe of the Sith." That through him for a loop, but he wasn't one to judge someone based on where they come from, so he nodded. Than the buzzer rang. "Come in." The door slid open and he turned to face his new Padawan, she seemed anxious, he smiled warmly at her as she bowed her head to the council. Hunter moved aside as she walked to the middle of the room and Sebatyne addressed her. "Hello Kreia Azura, your former Master has been sent on a mission that is important to the new Jedi Order, as a result you have been reassigned to Jedi Knight Hunter Raeinsho, who is currently being considered for the title of Master. He was a valubale fighter in Yuuzhan Vong War and a well respected member of the New Jedi Order and I expect you to treat him as such." All the while she was saying this, Hunter sensed the Padwan's anger and surprise increase, which was a dangerous combination.