Yvette’s sadness shone in her eyes when Kyle said he had yet to see anyone else. She turned around and waved to Jhett who waved back and made Yvette smile just a little. At least he was alive. If he wasn’t, she wouldn’t know any of the survivors very well. He just had to make it through this. She turned back to Kyle. [b]”He is bleeding pretty badly so he’s not moving much,”[/b] she explained why he hadn’t come over there too. She hesitated when Kyle asked her what grade she was in. School seemed so far away. It was insane what their situation currently was. She shook her head though and answered. [b]”I’m a senior this year. I think I’ve seen you too. It’s such a big school and I never think anyone really noticed me,”[/b] she said with a dismissive smile, her lack of self confidence showing.