Silara Rudder leaned her left shoulder against the wall of the docking bay, her left leg crossed back over her right and resting on the toes of her foot, her arms crossed over her chest. She glanced down at her chronometer on her wrist, noting that there were still a few minutes until the person she was contracted to transport was supposed to be there, but she was already getting impatient. Silara made a habit of arriving early to wherever she was, normally because there was at least a moderate commission for getting goods in early, but she had to remind herself that not everyone ran on such a tight schedule. Felen Laretik had told her to come to this city-covered planet, Jutrand, home to many large corporations, to meet another employee of the Laretik Syndicate, the Zabrak's crime ring. Where this person was going and what they were doing was kept a mystery from Silara, not that she really cared as long as the credits arrived; Felen had said she would be handsomely rewarded for this, which seemed odd given it was such a simple job, but then again she did not stress too much if the pay was good. While she waited, Silara let her mind begin to wander, thinking about what she would do with the "handsome" reward which had been promised to her. She had been saving up over the past months, and a nice apartment somewhere began to appear more and more possible with every passing job. Not that she would stop smuggling, of course, as she had not quite figured out the galactic stock market yet. However, somewhere to be able to truly call home and go back to when she wanted would be a welcome change from living out of her ship, as much as she loved it.