[B]Titans Tower Island[/B] [B]Off the Coast of Gotham, New Jersey[/B] [B]Minutes Prior[/B] After dealing with the kid calling himself Talon, Connor sat and hovered several hundred feet above the Tower, it wasn’t as calming as the miles he sat prior, but the weightlessness of his flight was a nice change to the hum-drum of walking. At times, Connor almost reveled in his Kryptonian abilities. He was able to hear the goings on of every individual in Gotham, Metropolis and the surrounding cities and even further if he pushed himself. As he was listening in on a family romping in the park in Gotham several miles away, a noise seemed to blare in his ear. Deciding to focus in on the noise, Connor tapped into another of his Kryptonian powers and zoom his sights on the noise which brought his sights to Metropolis and LexCorp Tower in particular. The sight of what he assumed was the press at yet another grand Luthor unveiling were screaming and running around in panic with Luthor screaming at some sort of scientist. Connor quickly figured out why when he saw two missiles coming barreling towards the Tower. Without a second thought Connor took off with unparallel speed towards Metropolis. In the back of his mind he couldn’t help but think that he must look like a villainous looking Superman in his black and red suit. He arrived in Metropolis just in time to see his mentor stop on of the missiles as the other just slipped out of his grip and without a second thought Connor swooped and put himself between the missile and the group of people that it would destroy. The projectile slammed hard into the “S” shaped symbol on his chest nearly knocking the wind out of the super-teen causing him to loosen his grip and allowing him and the missile to slam into the podium shattering it into a thousand pieces. Fearing that the missile would explode Connor used a combination of his Kryptonian strength and his genetically given telekinesis to force the missiles trajectory up and away from the crowd, holding it in place as the rocket ran out of fuel and he set it down gently. Letting out a sigh of relief, Connor stood up and cast a glance at Superman, giving him a half-assed salute.