[center][i]Name[/i] Arianna Johns [i]Age[/i] 13 [i]Gender[/i] Female [i]Appearance[/i] [img]http://img2.blog.zdn.vn/50875288.jpg[/img] [i]Personality[/i] You could define Arianna as a odd person. She feels normal to everyone and always tries to be different from others. She always gets ideas, scenarios, theories, giving her different set of personalities. She may be quiet and half an hour later she may be jumping over the walls. It just really depends on the type of people shes around. She can be very nice and respectful to others. She stays quiet and seemingly nervous were ever she was and fumbles around while she walks or maybe she would be more..dishonest and really show out. Very different from others, talking loudly and doing some odd and personal things to people. Though she keeps those two personalities balanced. Knowing that she is like that she could try to calm herself and maybe tone it down. [b]History[/b] Arianna born December 29, 2001. Born in the hospital. 'Before' she was born she could see things, life seemingly passing through quickly the futures and her future..self. It was like a quick notice and IF she could remember she would know the steps to fix it. Though she couldn't once she was born everything passed life seemingly zoomed forward until her mind was strong enough too remember. Seemingly only flashes of scenes would come up and voices would be in a low tone. I couldn't think to myself I was scared, maybe. My mind seemingly pondered as life zoomed. It was odd but I could slowly take it in and as slowly..going to the age of 8 my mind slowed down finally remembering....my surroundings and thus my childhood seemingly started. My memories were still kind of distorted..and I always had headaches. Though as a child I always watched history channels about theories of aliens. The mind deflecting all of logic of what I know and seemingly opening a door of ideas. It was very astonishing I suddenly got a burst of ideas and began writing stories of theories and how the world could of been made..or some kind of other theory. Everyone thought I was strange but I always kept my mind up and soon..everyone began calling me weird, didn't want to be around me. My ideas just..suddenly..deflected..at first they were over the top and down..at the bottom. There parents were religious and always got mad at my parents because..I was seemingly filling everyone's brains with this 'crap' everyone slowly walked away..and soon I kept quiet. The unwanted desk, the unwanted spark of the world. I cried every time but seemingly I could act 'weirdly' around the high school people around my school. I didn't know why but the always make me laugh in some way. They understood how I felt and had ideas like mine. It was 'special' to me that I could finally look up too people at the time thus..at the time..were my dreams. They were weird..very weird. It was like lucid dreaming and after school I would always talk to those people and how weird it was. I didn't know why it just started but..my dreams always felt blank when..I was a tad smaller. Littler ..and at the time when my mind was strong enough or that's what I thought. I began researching dreams and there was some myth called 'Dream control' much similar to lucid dreaming..but it had odd effects if-...I had no idea..I kept my dreams secret and went along my day until I could figure out who had these same effects. ( Don't mind if my grammar is fudged. ) [i]Dreams[/i] As soon as Arianna drifts to sleep she appears on a flat white board. Nothing only blankness and only her and the platform shes standing on. As soon as she waves her hand ideas begin. The rays of light bending at her touch and soon the terrain shifts and so does the sky. The ...white platform soon turned too grass and soon became larger. Trees began forming and so did liquids. Nothing much she had in ideas and so she skipped the terrain shift and looked towards space. Imagining that trees were like time and always creating a scenario that would happen. Seeing multiple memories being shifted at her touch it was quite amusing. She didn't do much at all. She would always stay scientific and always imagined what either happened at school or what happened in space. Watching nova stars from afar and imagining what was inside a black hole. Though nothing dangerous at all came from her dreams except ..the nova stars exploding or black holes being created and something else. Shes very odd with these topics and seemingly isn't ready. Though exciting happened. After she watched a show called [i]Doctor Who[/i] time seemed irrelevant white ripples in space began to happen and she would always touch them and wake up. She didn't know why but..I think its something? Oh and by the way she always dreams about Clara being her companion in the tardis. <3 Finished - 9\8\14 - 8:49 [/center]