Well, the general plots would be largely up for the player to decide. That said, a wide variety of activities would occur, such as hunting, fishing (with nets and spear), fighting in a tournament, fighting against invaders, finding mysterious groups of lizard-mages in the deep jungle, and maybe going on a quest to find one of the lost cities. That last one could be interesting. Who built those cities? Were they made by the lizards? Why were they destroyed? Were they even destroyed? Were they all ruined, or are some still functioning, but no one knows where they are? If the lizardfolk built them, why can't they build them again? What sort of secrets are in the lost cities? The tournament part is much simpler. It's just a series of fights between the males to determine who is stronger. That said, even a loser who puts up a very good fight is considered strong, especially if it was clear that the fight could have gone either way and the contest was decided by a lucky hit. Most of the lizards lead simple lives with relatively few possessions, using tools made of wood and stone. Metal weapons exist, but are rare and are generally reserved for the best warriors, the chiefs, etc. Their lands have few metal reserves near the surface, rudimentary mining technology, and while they are surprisingly good at smithing compare to their mining skills, many of their metal tools and weapons are traded for from the outside world in exchange for things like salt (from salt marshes) or fish. And yes, there can be romance, but only up to PG-13. Site rules and all.