[b][centre]Imperium - Anima Aeternum[/centre][/b] --- Murd looked about his surroundings with a shudder. This place was far too like the Labyrinths that people liked to trap Minotaurs in and he didn't feel like becoming a permanent fixture of the place. Removing a ball of twine from his pack, the long bright red string made him feel a little more comfortable as he tied an end around a rock and dropped it onto the floor. He hoped he had enough balls of twine long enough.... Gryff was uncomfortable for other reasons. Indoors was not the best place for a Centaur. He held his weapons surely. But the environment wasn't one to inspire confidence. [i]Fuck Magic.[/i] He thought to himself as Murd his string in place grabbed his spear in one hand and drew his Khopesh in the other. Gryff already had his broadsword and shield ready but this place was not right he continued to think. "I reckon we check out the dining hall, any weapons left here are too damned old and in this air probably rustier than a Freehold Dungeon plate, but anyone who kicked the bucket in the hall might still have their coinpurses on them." Murderok said with a grin. "Sounds good to me Murd." Gryff replied."