Salutations to all. I'm not good at introductions but I will try my best to make a good presentation. :wub My name is Anthony and I'm portuguese, more precisely a brazilian, currently studying Law. English - obviously - is not my main language, but I have a medium-advanced level of understanding (basically reading, writing and listening). I visited the forum a few weeks ago when I was looking for content about cyberpunk and warhammer 40k (I'm not a fan - I discovered a while ago). Yesterday I decided to register and find out more about play-by-post (I have no experience). About my nick, I can say it came from Sim City 3000. For some reason, in my language, the default mayor was called Defacto. Only then I discovered that also comes from the Latin, [i]de facto[/i] means "in practice" (basically the opposite of [i]de jure[/i], "by law" or "in theory"). Anyway I leave the warning that my english can be classified as created via translator. Although I always check what I make, probably always remains a mistake of concordance.