Hello! I have recently came up with a slightly detailed, slightly in the works plot idea. I'm looking to roleplay with either one or two people. (Together though and not in separate threads/PMs) So before I continue on to the plot, let me first address a few things. [hider=About Me]-I'm usually a high casual role player when I'm truly invested in the plot. As I plan to be with this one. However, I also hope to improve through this roleplay and gradually grow into a low advanced role player. - I generally role play only female characters. It's not because I can't roleplay a male character but rather, I tend to get bored easily when roleplaying a male. However, since we will all be having multiple characters, I plan to roleplay at least one guy. -I prefer to roleplay over PMs. I usually check it more often than threads. -I intend for this plot to revolve around story, action, and character development. I also encourage romance as long as it doesn't become the center of the roleplay. - I have very few limits. Gore and violence don't really affect me but I would prefer to fade to black on the more mature romance scenes. No smut please. ;3 - Right now, I am pretty busy. I may manage at least a post every day or maybe one every other day. It really varies depending on my work load. Hopefully by the end of this year, things will slow down so I become more active.[/hider] [hider=What I'm Looking For]So after giving you detail about me, I'm looking for someone who is around the same. -High Casual to Low Advance - Up for Roleplaying multiple characters - Maybe leans towards roleplaying males? (This one isn't that big of a deal though) - Open to communication rather than just simply roleplaying and never speaking.[/hider] So this should sum up everything. Now on to the plot! --------- A CIA agent goes rouge after learning about all the corruptions within not only the agency but in the overall government. S/He is uninterested in getting involved in such wrong doings and is eventually moved enough to oppose the system after both s/he and his/her close loved ones are targeted. Cutting off their ties with everyone, the rouge agent gets started on trying to find a way to fix the corrupted people and all the damage they have done. However, s/he soon realizes he can't do it alone. S/he then sets out to form the 'perfect team' to address and handle these problems. Everyone is talented in one thing or another, such as hacking, spying, scouting, fighting, shooting, ect. They become an underground system that is trying to avoid the government as well as fix it. Throughout the roleplay there be various missions, from some as simply as fixing who becomes mayor of a small town to as big as taking on other agencies fighting for the opposing force, corrupted congressmen, and so on. I haven't really worked out exactly what missions will come first or how this will work exactly but I'm hoping to discusses this with who ever is interested. :)