Hey, look who isn't dead. *Raises hand* Yeah, you guessed it. So while writing I had a bit of a random, but nonetheless interesting thought. It's quite unlikely for a variety of reasons, but I entertained the idea that Crone could be plotting some kind of master plan and is in truth Himyth herself. She is described as a shapeshifter, and although the demon certainly is inclined to more comely forms I imagine, I could easily see her taking on the shape of an elderly woman for whatever purpose. This, at least, would explain why she is capable of such great magical feats. However, there are a number of arguments against this theory, for example she has been known to be the guardian of Anaxim for an incredibly long time, time during which Himyth has been doing things outside the forest (such as spawning at least one, certain character we have met before). Renold or someone in the forest might have caught a whiff of her tainted energy in that time too, probably exposing her. However, being a subordinate of Kreshtaat, who is known to be an opponent of the Grand Master, it would not be illogical for her to seek to thwart Hazzergash's plans who is of course one of the Grand Master's generals.