Lee remained at attention by the captain's side as he gave his briefing, taking everything in. Thinking about it, she really wasn't sure how she failed to recognise Yong Feng; the apparently indestructible sergeant was something of a legend for a reason, and with Seoul understandably worried about potentially butting heads with Beijing he was a figure who had shown up in his share of 707th briefings. He was someone to keep an eye on, to be ready for should the ascendant China do something stupid, to know how to deal with if necessary - and now they were on the same side. It didn't really make her reconsider her initial assessment of the man, though - a bully who was good in a fight was still a bully, and he was yelling at [i]her[/i] soldiers. [i]Her[/i] team. She had been going to remind him of that fact, but he really wasn't her jurisdiction, as Captain Lee pointed out; besides, he did get the squad falling in, and he was right about one thing - where the hell had Shao Zu gone? She would have to track him down when everything else was in order. "You heard them, get your equipment settled, one at a time!" She would get her own pack once the rest of the squad was settled, as indeed some had started even as she was giving the order. Her mind was more on the briefing anyway, as nice as the uniform and PDA would be - the more their squad leader said about the situation, the less any of it added up, and the heavier the weight in her gut became. UNXIPU asking for the best and brightest had smelled strange already, but apparently the work really was dangerous enough to need them as glorified security guards. None of the others seemed to have questions, but the chance to ask them was a fleeting one, and Lee couldn't help herself. "Sir," she cut in, hoping it would get the captain's attention before he left. "Just what kind of opposition are the researchers running into, that regular security forces can't do the job? You don't build a dedicated military branch like UNXIPU has if you don't expect to need it."