Cassandra smiled when Lilly joined them, relieved that she was okay, and she gave the girl a hug, "Eat" She said "You haven't been here for classes, they can be demanding, so eat up" She said, looking up when the sticks of gum were flicked over to them. Cassandra blinked, picking one up. She looked over in the direction it had been thrown, seeing Hax. She frowned. Hax didn't seemed concerned with being nice, his attitude was complete arrogance, as if everyone else was beneath him, but then he'd just threw them [i]gum[/i]. She pocketed the stick of gum, "Gum. that's the first time I've been offered gum thrown across the room without even the question [i]do you want gum[/i]" She said, shaking her head, but she smiled slightly. "And I'm allowed to worry, even if I know they can handle themselves" She said in reference to Kiddo and Ren.