Henry bounced in place, with a huge smile on his face. It was his first day as a member of Alakazam's explorer's guild, and he just couldn't wait to get started. The whole prospect was so exciting. Going on missions, fighting bad guys, exploring new places; it was miles ahead of life back home. All anybody there seemed to care about there was tending to their flowers. Henry liked flowers and plants as much as any other Grass type, but there was only so much gardening he could take before that got old. Maybe it was the part of him that was Fighting typed that made him crave adventure. The other newbie along with him, was a Quilava who seemed quite nervous about this whole experience, judging by his body language. That was understandable, for some Pokémon, trying something new was a nerve wracking experience, but for Henry, new experiences were something he embraced. Now if only they would hurry up and get this show on the road. All the Guildmaster seemed to be doing was levitating there, seemingly lost in thought. His Sylveon companion had to yell at the other Pokémon several times before she finally got his attention, and they still hadn't done anything yet... Henry was starting to get a little tired of waiting, so he decided to make a little conversation with the other new recruit to make the time pass a little quicker. The other guy was clearly nervous, and maybe having someone to talk to would calm him down a bit. "Don't worry buddy! everything is gonna be OK! Ya don't need to be scared!" He then proceeded to give the Quilava a hug. Unlike some of the other Grass types in his village, he didn't have any sort of trust issues when it came to talking to Fire types. The possibility that this Pokémon could burn him had not crossed his mind. After the Breloom let go, he continued speaking. "Wow, can you believe it?! We're actually going to join an Exploration Team! This is so exciting! Have you ever been this excited?! I've never been this excited! I can't wait to get this adventure started!" The Grass type Pokémon started bouncing faster, and threw one of his arms into the air as he spoke.