[i]Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream...[/i] September was singing as she walked. Her accent, her quiet, breathy voice, and the way her eyes flickered from person to person, bush to bush, house to house, made her look very eerie indeed. As the girl sang, she thought of today's haul. Mr. White was having an affair, wasn't he? September had been quite suspicious of him for a few weeks and had crept around his classroom, 3B, and managed to overhear a conversation. The details of that conversation? Let's just say that she knew Mrs. White wasn't into [i]any[/i] of that. Well, see, September didn't actually [i]want[/i] to ruin any marriages. She stuck her tongue out past her lips to prevent an uneasy grin from forming. She liked to gather intel, to know things, to write about things, but she had shared very, very few pieces of information. In her left hand, deep inside her black shorts, was her trusty little notebook. In it contained so much gossip she often thought about burning the little devil so nobody would find it and freak out. She'd never go through with that, of course, but it was interesting to think about all that intel turning into a little pile 'o ash. In her right hand was two, wait, three, erasable gel pens. She fiddled with both items and withdrew her tongue. The last time she encountered an issue like this was when Sander cheated on his girlfriend, Veronica. Made out with Betty under that tree that he and Veronica always hung out at. September was writing in a tree next to them and was interrupted by the unmistakable sound of eating face. [i]Hurk.[/i] It was never a good sound to listen to. September had hoped it was a one-time thing for Sander, but as the weeks went by and Betty and Sander took it… Further, September knew she had to tell Veronica and also listen to a lot of heavy metal to make sure she didn’t remember [i]anything[/i] that happened that day. But Sander, Betty, and Veronica were only juniors in high school. Mr. and Mrs. White were adults, with steady jobs, one kid, and their lives were pretty much all figured out. Was it really her place to ruin their marriage? [i]Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dreeeeeaaam…[/i] September drew out that last word, keeping her teeth together and feeling the vibrations of her voice on her teeth. The urge to grin in discomfort was there again and she wanted to deter it. The girl didn’t realize how fast she was walking until she nearly tripped on a cat. [i]Holy mother-[/i] Unlike some people, September tended to walk faster, up to a jog, when her mind was someplace else. She avoided the cat rather easily, though it had startled her. She couldn’t remember any family that had a cat. [i]Is he new?[/i] The cat was an orange tabby, and he was currently racing towards a large building to September’s left. It was the hospital where… Well, it was just a hospital, really. Obviously, September decided to follow that cat.