[center][b][u]A Clayman's Tattoo[/u][/b][/center] Unable to respond to the two-way attack while slowed by Lux' magic and brought out of balance by Maria, the woman took both Salia and Soneillon's attacks head-on. “Damn you all to hell,” She muttered, trapped within Soneillon's grasp, as blood seeped from her leg. She glared at Adeline venomously, considering she felt the girl had tricker her... And her spirit had been responsible for the death of her ally. In spite of her gaze and insult however, the woman seemed to understand her situation quite well, as she didn't seem to struggle further and dismissed her hammer from the physical realm. She had surrendered, but further held her tongue... As the ruins continued to move more violently and glow as mysteriously as they had before... [center][b][u]Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon[/u][/b][/center] The werecat woman translated Diane's words into a language that this time, would only be familiar to Vignar's spirit. Even Cerberus could not understand, for it was clearly not a human language. Words were mixed together with of different tones and lengths, as well as body language. It was for the most part a direct translation, but when working together, in a snarl the translator added how humans should not be trusted. The mother dragon in return berated the werecat for telling her what she already knew... “She has commanded your leave, what would you need of us that would drive you to kill one of your own?” The werecat replied to Diane, pointing to Sean's corpse that had been released from Valor. “Does your cruelty know no end? You've hunted my children, you've hunted the werecats, and now you seek the blood of your own?” The werecat then turned to Emily, but the sight and scent of blood brought something predatory upon her. The woman's eyes narrowed, her body began to shake and saliva wet her lips. “Or is it the foolishness of man that knows no bounds?” She spoke, with great restraint. “Why would you fail to heed my warnings? Look at yourself. Do you know hold the life I allowed you to escape with precious?” The translator wasn't the only one that had trouble keeping herself in check. The dragon snarled at the slowly approaching other werecats, causing some to flinch in their tracks. However, not all were satisfactory with a verbal warning... As two werecats jumped for Emily! Only for her to be saved by the mother dragon herself, who with one clap of her wings propelled sand and wind in the direction; throwing the cats back into a rough landing into the sand... “These cats are strange,” Suddenly a voice even more girly and cheerful than Diane's said. “This form is strange.” It was Octal's ghost whom spoke to Vignar, for the first time since her summoning without orders to follow. “My body moves on it's own. Eight's does too.” She giggled, as her identically looking spirit and holder locked hands. “At least we get to fight!” The werecat, hearing this too, translated it to the mother dragon, who blew fumes from her nostrils hearing it. “Even in death, your kind takes pleasure in violence... How disgusting.” The werecat translated, although the holders their eyes would likely be upon the dragon, which unfolded her wings to appear larger and more intimating... Not spelling much good. “You will tell us what you desire. Do not test my patience...” [center][b][u]Free Billy[/u][/b][/center] The monstrous fish was unable to defend itself against Eowyn's attacks from the inside, and the algae-people's song were unable to reach her in her current state. The smog too, seemed to be doing a number on it; although that was difficult to see. Eowyn would be able to slay the monster without much resistance... And upon realising this, the beast tried to return to the sea; attempting to fill itself with water and drown Eowyn in the process... It's young, on the other hand, literally bumped into Quartz in it's way towards the water. Like Simon before him, he was now in danger of the violently confused fish taking him down in it's panic... However, not as much as a dozen members of the earlier crowd who had gathered around; still mesmerised by the deadly song... Arlette, Mime and Remia, on the other hand, would find not all of the crowd to be running... Even those no longer enchanted by the song. Some followed Remia's example to save others, but a small group of protesters, with their ears bound in their shirts, were making way to the beach to attempt and obstruct Quartz and Eowyn... And near the end of the beach, they would be able to see the drogans land between the buildings on the beach, right where they had left Mari...