Heizo sat on the deck of The Free Wind casually, his rifle laying next to him. Without his rifle he always felt naked, and as such he carried it with him as much as possible. A man he had come to know as 'Weston' was standing to his left, when a string of profanities from below deck called Weston's name. Heizo watched as Summer explained the situation to Weston, and he decided to find a mechanic. He promptly jumped off the ship, leading Heizo to get up and watch him land unharmed, much to summer's dismay. Assuming summer's question about Weston was rhetorical, Heizo didn't answer, and instead picked up his rifle and rested it on the side of the ship. The best course of action would probably be to follow Weston, but Heizo decided against it. Heizo scanned the trees around them, then moved his sights further out. He examined the outskirts of the town carefully, and saw very little movement. A knot grew in his stomach, and he began feeling uneasy, but he didn't know why. When he brought his eyes onto the town, he saw commotion. He could barely make out the town from here, but what he could see worried him. It had been five minutes since Weston had dismounted when Heizo spoke up, [b]"Summer there seems to be trouble. . ."[/b]