Name: Roland Age: 16 Gender: Male Fears: Heights, disappointing others, and, oddly enough, deep bodies of water. Position: Passenger. Personality: Distant a usually not one for making friends. He may seem mysterious and distant at first, but he's really just a silly kid with no sense of balance. History: He comes from a rich family line, and even though he doesn't want to, his parents want him to take over the company. They baby him, and frankly he doesn't like getting everything he wants rather than needs. He knows what happens in the world and the unfortunate lives Roland never had to live and wants to give some money to charity. His parents don't seem to like that idea. When he was given a chance to ride a cruise, then, despite him hating the ocean, he told them he wanted to go alone. Pic/Description: [img][/img] Other: He wishes to make friends, but he never confronts anyone about it for he doesn't know how to go about it. Thus, he never really had friends.