Nia had been wandering the park with no clear goal for almost twenty minutes when she just stopped. Her feet were about to start hurting, as she wasn't exactly accustomed to exhaustive walks like that. When she checked the watch on her phone, disappointment creeped into her expression. It was four past nine, and nothing had happened. Whatever was supposed to take place, she missed it. Maybe she was in the wrong part of central park? It wasn't the smallest place after all, and her 'instructions' weren't exactly precise. She re-examined the piece of paper one last time, unable to learn any more from it. As she crumbled it and held it in a closed fist, her eyes spontaneously turned to the sky. The girl was unable to make out even a single star, presumably due to a thick carpet of clouds. She didn't think anything of it at first, but then realized that a lot of people seemed to have left the area. In fact, she was almost alone, and the area had fallen completely silent. Nia tried very hard to listen for the distant traffic noises that were never really absent in the city, not even in the most secluded spots of central park...but there were none. Immediately, she remembered her dream from the library-nap. It was a different scenery, but the more she thought about it, the more relevant it appeared. She didn't know why she really came here, just like in the nightmare. The note? Maybe a random aspect of another dream? It would certainly explain its inexplicable appearance. And now the silence... Nia fought the urge to instinctively cover her ears as she did back then. Unlike in her nightmare though, she didn't wake up. Instead she heard a voice nearby, one of the few people left in the vicinity. They sounded upset. The girl slowly turned to the origin of those words, realizing these peoples appearance for the first time. They were...diverse, to put it lightly. They looked perfectly normal in the somewhat crowded area before, but now that they were the only ones here, each of them was somehow individually remarkable. Nia wondered about that for a long moment. Had she not seen them earlier? One was even wearing what looked like a navy suit to her, not that she knew much about those. The most striking looking example of a human being was dressed particularly strange - somewhat like a cosplayer or maybe an actor in a costume - and apparently the source of the others confusion. He was the only person who decidedly seemed out of place, too. It was a weird moment for the lost student, seeing people like that and not making the semi-obvious connection. She had spent a good amount of the last year trying to find traces of the more special people out there, people like herself. Thought about them every single day, looked into every single face with scepticism, expecting someone to approach her eventually, because she just couldn't be the only one. Somewhere deep down, she knew there were others, but the long period of not finding the slightest hint of their existance turned almost-certainty into wishful thinking. And now, that the moment had come, she didn't even consider it. She was merely drawn in by the oddity of that unusually clothed man. Still dumbfounded by the situation, she slowly approached the small assembly. Hands buried into her mantles pockets, and keeping a respectful distance. Forgetful about the dangers of approaching small groups at night and the note in her hand, driven by curiosity only.