Name:John Richardhart Age: 20 Gender:Male Fears: ((At least 3, please. Will be explained later.))Heights, Death, Snakes Position: ((A Crew Mate or Passenger))Passenger Personality:Smart and questioning have always been applied to John. Wherever he's gone people have called him, "John the Genius." He spends most of his time reading or writing but fun to him is not fun to many of the other passengers. Some may call him crazy. He just calls himself adventurous. John has always been daring, ever since he was 9 he's wanted to be whisked away on a wonderful adventure. He often created adventures for himself that would take him marching around the streets of London where he made many friends, some rich, some poor, some young some old. Despite his adventurous nature, John would rather support a great leader rather than be a leader himself. History:John was born to a British maid who died while in childbirth. Luckily for him, the maid's estranged father stepped in to raise his grandson like his own child. The grandfather was a wealthy newspaper editor and he passed his love of writing on to John. This resulted in John beginning a career as an author when he was 18. He wrote a very successful book, The Waters of Ealdor, and went on the cruise hoping to gain inspiration for a new book. When the cruise ship started sinking he was helping people get aboard a life boat, and refused to take one and instead went around the almost sunken boat looking for other passengers. He was on his way back to the life boat, having given up hope of finding anyone else, when he was knocked unconscious by a sudden rock of the boat which caused him to hit his head on a table rather hard. He awoke on the island however, very unsure of how he had gotten there. Pic/Description: ((I find it easier to find anime pictures, so let's go with that.[img=] Other: