As Charlotte went off to the bathroom, Noah wondered what he was even doing. Sure, it may not have been unlike him to help someone out when they needed it. He had always been a big believer in karma, but the fact of the matter was...this girl didn't need his help, not really. Not to the extent he was giving it. She needed directions, sure. Did she need a morning smoothie and an escort down the street? Probably not. And he didn't need to be late for work, either, but there was a definite pull there that he just couldn't put his finger on. By the time she'd returned, he'd gotten both drinks for them, handing her the bright red concoction before taking a sip of the caffeine he'd been missing out on. "Trust me, I'll be much nicer now that I actually have some." That grin returned. "And no problem. See? The city ain't as scary as it looks." Boston as a whole, was Noah's favorite place in the world. It didn't have the same 'big city' vibe as New York or even him, it always felt like a small community shoved into the shell of a city. "Well, we should get you to that brunch." He suggested, motioning toward the door with his head, before heading out with her - opening the door for her just like he had suggested, and just like she said she'd allow him to do. "So...sociology? That's people and groups interact with each other, right? What do you want to do for a living?" He could tell just by a glance that she probably could have lived off her parent's money for the rest of her life, or at least until she married a man with an even bigger trust fund, so to know that she was actually working toward something was definitely refreshing, and he found himself interested in just what she was studying, and why.