Name: Sonam Nation of Origin: Air Nation- Udara Gender: Female Appearance: [url=] Sonam [/url] Typical and training attire. Age: 21 Ability (type of bending, if non-bender specific skill): Air bending Weapon of Choice (please stay close to preferred weapon of nation unless good reason can be had): dual Dao [img=] Biography (should be detailed, 3-5 paragraphs, at least): Sonam was an orphan, and for all she knew and cared she'd spawned from the air itself. There is no tragic loss of parents or heart break in her past. She grew up in an orphanage and working ranches as she could until she was old enough to being martial training. She accepted that fact and moved on with it. At least, that was what she accepted when she began to learn martial arts to function within King Malaka's army. Without any ties holding her back, Sonam became a ruthlessly efficient soldier. She did not question her orders and did as she was told. It did not matter if her orders involved taking screaming children as slaves, or raiding and razing entire villages. It seemed she had no other loyalty than to the hand that fed her and trained her, almost a mindless robot. The only hint at her hidden personality was her persistent determination to always return with her unit, all of it, one way or another- with a preference to their safety as a whole. Until she found documentation that changed her mentality forever. After being sent to research and find documentations of a certain incident in the past, she came across another set of documents that were no longer supposed to exist. It was the old teachings of the Air Temples. The ways of peace and meditation, using the martial arts she had learned as a way of maintaining health and balance, and a way of defense. Secretly securing these peculiar teachings for her own research, she completed her task as quickly and efficiently as expected. From that day on, however, she began to read and study- and occasionally look to acquire more of- these supposedly non-existent documents. During her training times she began to practice some of the altered techniques described within them and the meaning behind the writing began to absorb deeper in her mind. Nearly a year later, she could take it no longer, pretending to be the same, cold war machine. She defected and fled, following rumors of the Jasmine Dragon. She has since sworn penance and to use her bending only in the aid of others and to keep balance within herself. Special Information (any quirks we should know about): Quiet, thoughtful, may seem aloof at times, often found reading her 'acquired' air temple teachings, master of the physical portion of martial arts and is working on mastering the mental/emotional. Her fighting style is distinctly and directly comparable to Shaolin Kung Fu and Kempo in the real world.