Noticing the reaction of the young man she bumped into made Nanako raise an eyebrow. Who changed their tune of speech mid sentence? That seemed odd to her, but she decided that might be something he did [b]"Well, I was heading towards that crashed down ship when I- Are you even listening to me?"[/b] She asked, sounding somewhat irritated the moment she noticed his attention was caught with something else. She turned to look at what he was looking at, and upon seeing the smaller ship, she turned slightly pale. It was a Crucible ship. She gave Toroto a look, who opened his mouth to say something, but she placed her hand on his head [b]"If I see you again, I'll explain. I have to go. Right now."[/b] Nanako said, and before he could slip another word in, she was already running in the direction of the ship that crashed down once more. She had no intention of going in the direction of the Crucible ship, or stick around long enough to let them catch up and figure out who she was. She then let go of Toroto's head, who gave her a stare [b]"Why did you do that? It was dark."[/b] The chameleon said, and she let out a whistle to cover for what he said. [b]"Don't talk until I give you a mark that its clear. If anyone accidently spots you, then they could report it to the Crucible, who will immediatly come to track me down. Got it?"[/b] Nanako told him [b]"And what the hell are the Crucible doing here anyways... Doesn't matter actually. We need to find a hiding place, and the safer from Crucible it will be, the better."[/b] She said, and Toroto merely nodded in agreement as the two kept heading in the direction of the fallen ship.