Scarlett, bored, decided to leave her apartment that evening. Not wanting TOO much attention, she dressed down into a red strapless dress that had a split up her left thigh to a few inches below her waist. The split showed that her tattoos went [i]all[/i] the way up. She then put on her metallic band of a bracelet from where she can digistruct her weapons and a black metallic belt where she stored her shield, just in case. Afterwards, she decided to head on out. The Crimson Corner was a great place to hang out, so she headed in that direction. As she passed by people she knew, she waved at them, saying 'Hi' and other such greetings. Occasionally she would stop for a few minutes and chat with this person or that. All in all, the fifteen minute walk took her nearly an hour. She did love to talk. As she rounded the corner, she saw a bionic man leaving, and shortly there after, a well armed young man stalking in the shadows after him. This seemed odd to her, so she decided to follow the follower. At a distance, of course. As she followed, she kept an eye on the younger man while she talked to others along the way. She did love to talk. Here and there, she would lightly jog to catch up, but only when others were not watching. She attempted to keep a distance of 30-60 feet, if the environment allowed.