#3 Once Camella seemed to be stable, or at least stable enough, Kylie allowed herself to relax a bit. They were safe. The car was armored and protective against the hordes outside, and was moving much faster then the walkers could...well...walk. She leaned against the door of the HUMVEE with an almost lazy smile. Hannah and Oskar seemed to have things under control. And Camella didn't seem that bad despite the circumstances. Yep, everything was okay. And with this thought Kylie allowed her heavy eyelids to slowly close, sometimes snapping back open, before shutting all the way. She was tired, so tired. She didn't know when she last just fell asleep. She had been running and fighting all day, she thought she deserved some rest after the day she had been having. Yep. Just a few minutes of sleep would be fine. Hannah and Oskar could wake her if they needed her. As Kylie was slipping off she was reminded of pleasant times, she rarely slept during car rides. She used to be scared that if she fell asleep they would crash. It felt like seconds before Kylie was jolted awake by the sounds of Hannah's scream of precaution to Oskar. Kylie sat up with a gasp, a cold sweat covering her skin. She was about to open her mouth, about to ask what was wrong, when suddenly the car was swerving and flipping. Kylie was too afraid to scream. She was hoping this was just a dream. And when she opened her eyes she would be in the backseat with her sister and her mom and dad, listening to the radio. Kylie slowly opened her eyes, letting out a groan. She began to cry, all of her hope flooding out of her. She tried to sit up, only to experience the pain of their crash. She blinked the tears out of her eyes. Somehow the force of the crash had sent Kylie out of the HUMVEE's window. She tried to sit up again, feeling the warmth of blood trickle down her neck and head. She began crawling towards the wreck, calling out in as loud of a voice as she could muster. "Hannah? Oskar? Camella?"