Alianor didn't look too intimidated or scared when one of the other bandits advanced on her with a knife. She found she didn't really mind if he decided to kill her. At least she'd had the satisfaction of stabbing Ronan in the leg. She hated the fact that that had been enjoyable and that she had lost control of all the pent up anger she'd had gradually building since coming here. She liked to keep control of her emotions. Well, she'd let them get out of control now... There wasn't much she could do about that. [b]"You don't know the half of it,"[/b] she muttered with a slight roll of her eyes, chucking her bow at one of the nearby bandits to make it clear she wasn't going to try and shoot any of them. That wouldn't exactly turn out in her favour. After all there was only one of her and even if she did succeed in fatally wounding one (which she doubted she'd be able to do) she'd be killed herself pretty quickly. She was confused as to why Ronan wouldn't stop grinning, but she put it in the back of her mind. She ignored most of what happened for the short period of time the continued with the trip, eyes narrowed as she glanced about. Now that she thought about what had happened she realised how it had been rather stupid. After all stabbing the leader of the bandits who currently held you captive generally wasn't advisable. Then again, she was still alive. She was beginning to suspect that Ronan had wanted a reaction like that from her, had purposefully set things up. Obviously he hadn't expected her to stab him in the leg. That had been very satisfying. She was quite relieved to return to the camp, beginning to feel a bit emotionally and physically drained after the trip. She tried not to think about the fact that she had killed a deer, an innocent creature. She guessed it had been good for the animal... putting it out of its pain and misery. Still, she had a slight sick feeling in her stomach even thinking about it. She now understood the satisfaction in lashing out at those you didn't like, not so much in hunting. They were two entirely different things. She stood close to the fire after they entered the camp, curious to see what Gort would do about the wound. Her eyes widened slightly at the light, her entire attention on what was going on. She had never seen magic at work, not really, so this was quite a thing for her to see. In return to Gort's disapproving frown Alianor just shrugged, pasting an innocent smile and look on her face. She may feel guilty about killing the doe, but certainly not about stabbing Ronan. He deserved it so she certainly wasn't sorry. It was quite obvious by the way she screwed up her face, looking quite ill at the sight of the carcass that there was no way Alianor was going to actually participate in gutting the deer. She did force herself to watch as Gort demonstrated how to do it, and she did pay attention to everything he taught to do with it, but more out of some small form of respect than anything. She flat out refused to even come close enough to the dead animal to be able to help with gutting it. It was bad enough that she'd had to kill it. She wasn't doing anything else with it. Pretty quickly the satisfaction she had felt began to disappear as she turned grumpy again, resentful looks all around although they seemed to be less harsh when it came to Gort. For some reason, out of all of them, she trusted him the most. He was certainly nice enough. Alianor was quite quick to get away from the corpse after Gort had finished teaching her how to gut the deer, heading for a seat around the fire and delicately sitting herself down. She proceeded to stare in front of her, face emotionless with only the slightest sense of the permanent annoyance she seemed to feel visible on it as she ignored what was around her, losing herself in her thoughts and fiddling slightly with the ring on her finger as she did so.