I sitting at her console Virgo hummed to herself waiting for the ship to come out into normal space. Looking at the ship in orbit above the planet a smile spread across her face finally she would get something interesting was happening. "This should be very interesting" she said as everyone was ordered to report to battle stations. Virgo quickly slipped her helmet on cracked her fingers before putting them down on the console. She was slightly annoyed at the captains comment about hoping she was as good as he had heard and as he said this a small scowl appeared on her face. Virgo tried to make only took mild evasive action as the fighters left the hanger not wanting to turn and hit them with the ship. Watching the fighters as danced they danced across she moved the ship as safely as she could through them while trying to dodge the enemy weapons fire. She managed to see the fighters get a few kills which she confirmed shortly after Jude managed to destroy three of them. "Nice shorting Jude open a channel to the fighters and tell them they better stop slacking off" Virgo said with a smile on her face she loved competition. She was a bit infuriated with the fact they couldn't destroy the enemy ship as the probe was on board but that wouldn't stop them from shooting at them. However she had plan that would save the ship being shot up hopefully. Putting the engines on full power she accelerated until the pirate ship was parallel with them passing port to port. Virgo then turned the left engines to minimum and used the manoeuvring thrusters so the ship turned violently placing it behind the pirate ship. Virgo hoping that her the pirate ship had most off their guns facing forward and that the rear was a blind spot. She was almost sure that she would be able to stay on the tail of the pirate ship. "Jude do you think you can take out the engines without destroying the ship we don't want them to go anywhere" she asked the A.I.