There was a knock at the door, Cole looked up from his current project, routine maintenance on his Lightsaber. His brows furrow slightly over his glowing red eyes as he sensed his Master on the other side. He quickly adjusted his new robe, making himself more presentable [b]"Enter."[/b] His door opened and his Master stepped in, [b]"Hello, Cole, thought I would come by and see your new quarters now that you have been made a Knight. Rather spartan I must say"[/b] Cole shrugged and looked around the room himself, not a large room by any standard, his bed sat in one corner with a small dresser at the foot to hold his few possessions, a small desk in the other. A holo of his family sat on the desk, his only link to the life he had been forced to leave behind. [b]"It serves it purpose, but I doubt that is the only reason you came to see me, Master."[/b] Master Katarn frowned sightly, though there was a slight glint in his eyes. [b]"How many times must I tell you not to call me Master? It's just Kyle, but you are right, I have your first assignment from the council. They uncovered a lead on the Lost Tribe of the Sith, they would like you to go check it out. Report to the [i]Night Fury[/i] on landing pad three as soon as you are ready. Worry not, you are ready for this. May the force be with you."[/b] Cole bowed slightly as Katarn turned and left his room, [b]"And with you."[/b] After Katarn left, a fierce grin couldn't help but split his dark blue face. His first mission. Hurrying, Cole quickly reassembled his saber, belted on his blaster, and hooked the saber to it, then fairly ran down the corridor to the landing pad. He couldn't wait to get started. Bringing himself short before he endtered the landing bay he had to remind himself that he was Jedi now, running around like some fresh [i]Roonto[/i] just wouldn't cut it. He entered the landing bay and saw a man leaning on the loading ramp, waiting. [b]"Hello sir, I was asked to report to the [i]Night Fury[/i]. Were you expecting me?"[/b] When the man looked up and arched an eyebrow, [b]"And you are?"[/b] Chagrinned Cole looked away for a moment before responding, [b]"Cole sir, my name is Cole"[/b] Smirking the man extended his hand, which Cole shook. [b]"Welcome aboard Cole, the others are waiting for you inside."[/b] Cole went up the ramp and into the ship with only one question on his mind. What others?