[b] Emma - The Woods [/b] Emma pulled herself away from Rob, not completely sure what warranted the embrace she'd given him. Cheeks slightly red, she shrugged to Rob: she had no idea who the German guy was either. He looked relatively innocent and not very dangerous. However, she didn't want to take the chance that he was, indeed, hostile. In that case, she kept her gun ready to fire if need be. She was relieved when Shannon and James retuned, but her face remained still and emotionless as she looked around at them. She saw that James looked very shaken up; she'd heard a scream from Shannon a moment ago, so she wondered if they'd been attacked by a walker. She glanced between, Shannon and Rob and the old man. She decided that she'd let Shannon and Rob deal with the man, so she wandered the the fish line at the end of the camp. It was very faint, but she heard the groan of a walking corpse. A chill went down her spine as her eyes scanned the horizon for any sign of a walker. Out of nowhere, it began to rain, starting out in a sprinkle, but then building up. The girl hurried to her tent- which she now had to herself because Valentina was gone- or maybe she'd have to share with rob... Emma really didn't want to share a tent with him. It wasn't that she didn't like him, in fact she respected him greatly, but she... didn't exactly feel secure enough... not yet... maybe someday she'd open up, but not tonight...