"I'm going to the party Reed, I'm going to find her. You don't have to come with me. But if you can find out more about the person who posted those pictures, I'll owe you one." That's what Lisa told him before she left in a cab for the Manor. On the way she passed the old church, the cause of so much frustration and root of so many problems. She still remembered the day when the line was drawn in the sand. The church and its members were protesting something she couldn't remember. A sea of picket signs and chanting like a pack of howling wolves. Someone had the bright idea of fighting fire with fire, and gathered enough people to protest the protest. The worse part was the heat. The shadeless sunny sky rained down rays of unforgiving heat. Mari and Lisa weren't supposed to be there. They had no place in that war. But the church dragged Mari into their army and Lisa was found herself on the other side of the line. A fight broke out, and after it ended Mari carried Lisa and her broken ankle to an ambulance. She blamed herself for what happened, Lisa was only there because she was. Thinking back on it, that was the beginning of their troubles. Each blamed the others' side, they fought over who was in the right. Why did Lisa even care? That protest had nothing to do with her. Lisa was too apathetic to vote or care about politics, so why did she join a protest for something that she didn't care about? Because of Mari. The party was already raging when Lisa got there. Loud music was booming and people were moving to the beat. Lisa lurked a bit, looking for Lilith. She was no where to be found, but she found someone else. A lanky looking fellow with a t-shirt three sizes too big. He was also in some of the pictures posted on the forum, maybe he knows Lilith. "Hey, you know where I can find Lilith?" Lisa shouted, trying to overpower the music. "What?" "Lilith Adams!" "Let's talk upstairs!" the guy said with a creepy grin on his face. The kind that makes your skin crawl, like you're looking at something disgusting. He led her to one of the bedrooms upstairs. The further they moved up, more people can be seen making out and heard making all sorts of noises. The first door the guy opened had two people going at it like rabbits. Lisa frowned in disgust. They went deeper down the hall 'til they found a room without a sock on the door knob. The guy introduced himself as Fred. A small time drug dealer by the looks of it, the kind of dealer stupid enough to enjoy his own product. "I think Lily's on her way, babe. But if you need a little something something, your pal Freddie can hook you up" he said, pointing to himself as if to emphasize how dimwitted he is. "I don't want any. Just tell me where to find Lilith." "C'mon babe, don't be like that" he said, closing the gap between them. The stench of alcohol in his breath was nauseating. "The first one's on me" his hand reached out to touch Lisa but was quickly swatted away. "Are you that drunk, or are you just stupid? All I want to know is where I can find Lilith Adams." "Aww, don't tell you're a lezzie too. You wanna be her new squeeze?" he popped something in his mouth as he said so. "Wha- No!" "First that Maria chick and now you? Why can't Freddie get some love?" he started moving in close to Lisa again, and this time she gave him a big sloppy knuckle sandwich to the face. "What did you say? What did you say about Mari!?!" "Hey hey, what the hell? I'm just saying she and Lily used to hook up all the time!" "Don't lie to me! Mari isn't like that! Don't go making things up!" she grabbed him by the collar and held back another fist, ready to be unleashed any second. The drugs must not be very good, because Freddie started freaking out. "I-I'm just telling you what I saw man! I swear! I swear to god I'm not lying!" "Swear to ME!" Lisa slammed him into a dresser then tossed him to the ground. "Where is Lilith Adams?" a handful of fist to to the face wakes him from his panic. "Where is she?" "I dunno! She said she would be here! I saw her checking out that church on the way here. That's all I know, really!" She stepped back out into the hall, exasperated not from the scene but from what she found out. It couldn't be true. Lisa felt she was falling down a well of lies. This wasn't the Mari she knew, not the Mari she had disney princess marathons with while eating home made cookies. The Mari she knew wouldn't hang with wannabe drug dealers and perverts. She had to find the truth, but deep inside she wasn't sure if she wanted to know the truth.