[b]"...thank you for this meal, and may you continue to look over us and-"[/b] Then came a paper bag-donning robot-armed man wearing nothing more than a pair of pants and a backpack, ever so rudely barging into Torben's home without even so much as knocking. [b]"FUCK ME DEAD!"[/b] exclaimed a startled Torben. [b]"You bastard! Don't go barging into my fuckin' home! Get out!"[/b] The angry little Australian man then marched over to the intruder with a cudgel in hand, ready to whack this fucker in the nuts if he didn't get out. [b]"The rootin' fuck's with you coming into my fuckin' house like that? You fuckwit. I'll pound yer fuckin' balls off with my beating stick here unless you give me a fair fuckin' dinkum explanation for why you barged in like this."[/b] "Torben, sweetheart! Calm down!" called Torben's mother from the dining room table.