"A freighter landed [i]here!?[/i]" Isaac exclaimed in disbelief. He wouldn't have been surprised to have seen one pass overhead on its way to Kuiper, and he had seen several land while working in the city, but he had never had a chance to get up close to one. Even just touching its hull and feeling the powerful aura generator pumping electricity through all the intricate circuitry like a mechanical circulatory system would be a dream come true for him. Actually working on a ship like that... well he probably shouldn't get his hopes up. But perhaps the most shocking part was that Emery was asking [i]if[/i] he wanted to see it. "You're darn right I wanna go see!" he said through one of the widest grins that had crossed his face in some time. "Let's go!" However, his hopes were immediately dashed by a far more ominous presence landing on the island. There was a sleek white ship the likes of which he had never seen before, even in Kuiper. It was clearly the pinnacle of modern technology, and utterly out of place in a backwater island like Krukow, but the emblem it bore made it perfectly clear why they were here. Just as his own gut was filling up with fear, he felt Emery's tiny frame clinging to him, asking him what they should do. [i]I wish I knew...[/i] he felt like saying, but he kept the thought to himself for the sake of keeping them both calm. On any other day, he would have become infatuated with the totally awesome goggles that the girl whipped out to survey the scene, but now he was too busy trying to think of a way to get them to safety. Before he could come up with a plan, Emery spotted Aubery, and she pulled him along to meet up with him. It seemed like all the problems in the world were just gravitating towards him, but people didn't call him Mr. Fixit for nothing. "Alright, first and foremost, everybody stay calm," he said at last, trying to get the whole group's attention. "The way I see it there are only two options: either stay on the island and hope for the best, or find a way to get far away. Right now, that freighter that landed seems like our best bet. If anybody wants to get off the island, that looks like the only way. Aubrey, I know you need to see to your mother, so I'll head back to the village with you and do what I can..." He didn't say that there was virtually no way to carry his mother to the freighter without being caught. Still, he didn't have the heart to tell Aubrey not to try. He looked to Emery, though, to see if she knew any way that they could all slip by unnoticed.