Lillith jabbed a hard elbow into his ribs, showing that she was far stronger then her petite frame indicated. She had learned how to fight from her time on the streets growing up, plus she took some kickboxing course at the University… the drugs helped with strength too, sometimes. “Shh!” she hissed at Cooper, her eyes looking a little frenzied, probably from the anxiety disorder and drug cocktail swimming in her bloodstream. “Have you looked at the two of us lately? I don’t know about you, but I’m not looking to make confession today.” She said in a hushed whisper. The church seemed pretty empty, so they were probably safe regardless of his outburst. Lillith had torn the flyer off the door on the way in and took some time to read it now. She was right on the identity of the person in the photograph. Seeing Maria’s face for the first time since the crime scene took her breath away a little bit, if she hadn’t put up such fierce walls around herself, she might have cried in that moment. With all the strength in her, she kept the shimmering saltwater within her eyelids as she read. “It looks like they’re going to have a candlelight vigil for her after their next Sunday mass. Looks like I was right about this being her church.” Lily explained to Cooper in a whisper. A sound pierced the silence in the church, startling both of them into a crouch behind a pew. Lillith scanned the church in a panic. The place looked pretty average as far as churches go… of which she knew quite little. There were pews, hymn books, stained glass artwork windows; the only really odd thing that stuck out was the giant crucifix behind the pulpit, brandishing a completely naked depiction of Jesus. Just the sight of it gave Lillith an uncomfortable feeling, she wondered briefly what her paranoid companion was thinking. A shuffling of footsteps caused Lily to sink even lower to the ground, her eyes followed after the figure as it headed to the area where the restrooms were. She gave Cooper a look indicating that this was their time to do some secretive sleuthing. They both shuffled over to the area that the figure walked away from as quietly as they could, but Lily being less than in control of her faculties stumbled again and struggled to stifle a burst of giggles. Maybe the ecstasy pill she snuck on the bus wasn’t her best idea. Did she ever have good ideas? Was she currently sleuthing with a gun-toting meth dealer and addict? Yeah, bad ideas was her thing, apparently. Her skin started to feel funny, eager to be touched. “Later!” she meant to say in her mind to stifle her thoughts but she actually whispered it loud enough for Cooper to hear. After her slight episode, she looked up to the hallway they had found themselves in. Her mouth hung open at the sight of dozens of guns, crossbows and assorted weaponry brandishing the walls. Above the obscene display was a latin phrase “et iterum venturus est iudicare infirma”. Back in high school, she was big into vampire lore and learned a little bit of latin… so she was able to translate it roughly. “We… we should leave now” she whispered to Cooper even lower than she had before, fear creeping into her voice. Before she could finish the sentence, he was already heading for the door, obviously spooked, with her close behind him.