"I'm afraid this is not a dream, and while I shall not force you to stay, I strongly urge you to listen to my request. ...Many years ago, there was a galactic war between the forces of good and the Monarchy of Evil headed by the being known as Dark Spectre. I was a warrior of this war, and with the help of my allies, defended the Earth from Dark Spectre's forces. However, the one leading the regime of Earth at the time, the sorceress Rita Repulsa, placed me into a temporal warp, making me unable to interact with the world, save for this energy tube used primarily for communication. Dark Spectre called her back from Earth, preventing her or any of his other forces from taking it as a part of their domain. For what reason, I do not know, perhaps it was because all who have fought alongside me have succumbed, leaving no one else to defend this planet. ...However, either way, Rita Repulsa has returned, and as we speak, she has launched her forces on your city of Angel Grove. Look behind you at the pyra-monitor to see its status." He said. Behind the teenagers were indeed a Pyramid-shaped monitor, showing Goldar and his forces attacking Angel Grove. "...Humans, for all their potential, normally would not stand a chance against Rita's army. However, I intend to ask you to lend your own potential to the cause. You have all been chosen to become defenders of the earth and the enforcers of all things good." Zordon said. He then looked at Alpha and nodded to it. As Alpha pushed a few buttons, lightning would come down on the teenagers, but would not hurt them what-so-ever. Rather, the lightning started concentrate itself into shapes until they became what appeared to be giant devices. "You have been chosen, to become the Power Rangers." Zordon said.