With my schedule, this is strictly a hobby. A humble nudge is all you'll ever get from me. Steamboy was the first reference that came to mind, simply because I don't have a lot to draw from. It's not the foundation of the setting. We might encorporate some similar devices just for fun, though(In the movie, there's a device with virtually limitless capacity for steam pressure, conscequently turning it into the jetpack you'll see the protagonist using in the sneak-peeks and previews). Couple that with supernatural and magical elements that we have agreed will be welcome in the plot, we should have plenty to work with. I am conflicted on how much of the concept I want to reveal to you and whomever-else may play, because I want things to unfold in a manner that will be satisfactory for all parties, though with some of the ideas I've got, shock-value might be worth a lot. I'm confident they'll be a success, but there's always doubt. Novel-length character sheets might be a bit much, considering all the starting points will have to be centered around the continent(Vue de Mer - French, for "Ocean city" or something, I forget exactly what. In my post I mentioned "Perles Cachees," also French, "Hidden pearls" or some-whats-it; which is the body of water that surrounds the continent.) because noone has ever traveled very far from the place, thus concealing the place from the world-community and vice-versa. We can develop characters that come into play later, from the exterior, but we start within. Character-sheets should be focused on appearances, personality, and a bit of depth--I'll let the city's demeaner kind of, reveal itself through the characters, so feel free to live a mundane utopian life through the past of your characters--regarding their history. If you want, you can throw up any old template and I'll just follow that and we'll work it to the best of our ability. I'd feel like we'd be collaborating better, with a give-take kind of rhythm. I'm not worried about any red flags popping up during the development of the details, the basic adventure is my main focus. I'll start writing an opening post as soon as I finish this one, so you should be able to preuse it by the time you finish reading this reply. My first post will be much longer than my typical, so be patient if I end up choking out a few lines. I'm sure I'll end up playing on that "It's a hobby" line you used earlier before we finish this thing. Regarding Dinh AaronMk: Thank you. I'm not necessarily looking for general diversity(Not re-reading my first post to check myself on that) but my plot does require a versatile writer, without being too cliche` or flashy. You haven't really made yourself clear. I'm not sure if you're interested in this thread, or are inviting me into your own idea. If it's the former, I'd more than welcome you. Though I am not interested in joining another rp. I hardly have time for this one, let alone others. I would undoubtely lose track of one or the other if I attempted, and have no interest in failing at participating in two, where I could succeed in one. I am sorry if I disappoint you. I encourage you to post an interest check; this forum has not gained it's steady popularity for nothing. It is a hub for individuals who enjoy all forms of online socializing and creativity. You'll likely find someone with similar tastes should you look in the right board. The IRC is also a great resource. It's located at the top of the forum in the left-hand corner next to "Roleplayer Guild - Users -..." Click and join the room and you'll definitely find someone to point you in a more specific direction. Estylwen: for now I'll wait for you to post a character-sheet template while I write the opening post. After that point will work on initiating the main plot and start progressing to some sub-plot ideas I've got. If you know a person that may be up for joining, please direct them here. I don't want more than 4 people total. AaronMk may be our third, so if you bring someone, we'll top-out (You and I could easily recover from the loss of two writers, but more than that and we'll bog down beyond recover). I'm one male character, so one capatible female would give us our love-interest/romance angle, one more couple would be ideal, though non of the characters can be attached in the beginning. I could create one but it would be more fun to play off another person. You can be whichever you like and we'll deal with it. After your next post I'll likely have this thread moved to casual or advanced forum for our OOC thread, to save time from creating another thread. You decide which forum you want to play in our next exchange and I'll get it done. If you like I could just summarize and create another, just let me know. With that, I'm off to my devices: anticipation high.