[quote=glibglobb] @Deserted So that character is very vague. I don't think I can accept it as is. PM me if you want to try and edit it. The main problem is the grammar, the lack of a clear character concept, and the huge missing chunks in the background.@UnendingEmpire Okay, the character write up is good, but we had a big miscommunication. When I said I didn't want some totally unique culture like out of serious fantasy I did not mean create a totally unique culture like out of serious fantasy and just ignore the details. Everything in this story should be archetypal. It's a satire. So a desert culture shouldn't be some unique creation, it should be a satire of middle eastern culture and pop fantasy, just as the main setting is a satire of western culture and pop fantasy. For the same reason, ethnic appearance should reflect location. If you're playing with Persian and Arabian themes then have them look like people from those regions. Imagine how confusing it would be if I introduced an Eastern themed setting and had the people there be tall with green hair and brown skin rather than oriental. @Cid It's alright, I'm in no rush to get started. It takes as long as it takes. [/quote] I know. I'm the kind of person, though, who if I start writing the details of a society, I won't stop until I've jotted everything down. A satire of the Middle East is what I was thinking; it appears the miscommunication had a miscommunication within itself ^_^;