After quite a bit of traveling along the yellow line and making it to the more central area, a group finally made it to Metro Centre. Granted, they had their share of run ins, but they were easy targets for the giant hulking figure of the group. Two were of the anthro species, the bigger one a black tiger with pale grayish white stripes, aqua blue eyes examining the area and people around them. His giant figure stood around eight feet, wearing black armor, and had a sledgehammer holstered to his broad back. A well known figured those near their territory or those who dared enter Elvira tribe turf. Xurga, a powerful warrior that is said to eat bullets without flinching while ripping apart surface monsters with his bare claws. To his tribe he was the high ranking warrior, a Achashverosh. The other was a black canine looking anthro with red eyes and long hair. His red eyes looking more bored than concerned compared to his much taller companion. He stood around 5'5 and his figure was much more slender, but he carried guns on him , wearing a black jacket and pants. There was a human girl, seeming to lead the way through the station, she had long blonde hair that was braided back, though strands from her bangs flowed over her pale face. Standing five feet, she walked along in a pair of shorts, a black tank top, and a cream colored jacket. Her right hand held a black cane, the tip constantly tapping around the ground just about a foot or two in front of her. Occasionally tapping against someone's foot. [b]""[/b] Xurga spoke in the Elviran tongue. He didn't quite care being this far into the other stations. [b]""[/b] Ashiek the black canine replied with a smirk, his hands behind his head as his muzzle gave a cheeky grin. In which the tiger simply gave a gruff in reply. The human girl, Skylar or just Sky, gave a chuckle in amusement, turning her face slightly toward Xurga who stood on her right while Ashiek stood on her left. [b]""[/b] she said in Elviran as well, pausing a little as she felt her can slightly smack someone in the foot. [b]"Awe, pardon."[/b] Skylar gave a quick apology to whomever. Ashiek looked to see a woman seeming to eat some soup, or drink it more like. She was pretty short as well and had less fur then most Aplesshar regularly do.