The scientist watched with interest as she pulled up the sensor readings. the blips on the radar were disappearing quite quickly - this seemed more like a turkey shoot for the wolf squad than an engagement. It also meant that she was slowly running out of test subjects, but if that meant less guns pointed at the ship she was on, she couldn't really complain. The beep pulled her out of her thoughts. Looking at the diagnostics, she found out the virus has wormed it's way into the control systems of the fighters completely. Shooting the screen a metallic grin, her fingers started flying over the keyboard. "Time for the magic to happen." she said for herself as she instructed the virus to erase the part of the software that controlled the engines and guns. In an instant, all of the remaining fighters went limp. "They're inert, feel free to tow one in if you want someone for questioning." she reported t the comms, looking over at the progress of the ship, "I need about a minute more to get into the frigate. there's no guarantee the information will be there but I'll shut down their weapons at least so the boarding party can can approach unopposed." Astra suggested, the Faira 'no loss' objective directing her actions.