Karl came down the ramp and bowed. "I am Karl Omi-Ren." He indicated up the ramp. "After you two." AS they led the way up the ramp he followed them into the main compartment. "The bridge is through here-" He indicated a door to the right. "-Quarters are there, and there-" He pointed down two adjacent corridors "-and the refresher is behind the lounge area through that door there-" He indicated a door to the left. "Feel free to chose your own quarters, another Jedi Alicia Kahel is aboard." He bowed slightly to both of them. "However while I have introduced myself I am afraid I am short of your own names." He leaned around as a dock worker sent a chiss wearing Jedi robes up, there were not many Chiss Jedi in existence so many people knew who he was. Cole as his core name, or so he told people. Rough past, joined the Jedi late into his life so like many of the newer additions he had been under careful observation. So much for being a unreliable source, it seemed reliable enough to send more than two Jedi. He bowed at the new addition to the team "Welcome Jedi Cole. I am Karl Omi-Ren and this is my vessel. Feel free to chose whatever quarters you wish, as long as they are not mine. Once you are all settled I shall be in the cockpit preparing for takeoff." He walked out and opened the door, sitting in the central seat and he began flicking through pre-flight checks.