I could do with a roleplay with a slow but consistent post rate. I'm more casual than advanced, however. I'm not great at steampunk, but I like the setting. The Beyond the Horizon idea is really interesting because it seems like the islanders would have different responses to the invaders and the veil being punctured, depending on their character. Are the outside threats bad in varying degrees and diverse / un-unified? It sounds like you have a couple ideas, so I don't want to pry too much. I actually had a concept for an outsider character, but it may not be congruent with your background of the story at all. (Basically: someone who sees the island as a safe haven to escape too, and then wants to kick everyone else out once she's there. Pretty selfish, and not so saint-like. Although this doesn't really work if the punctured veil is a permanent thing, which would mean that the island will never return to its former state.) I think in an original roleplay, it takes some time for everyone to get on the same page for what the world is like, and I certainly don't want to make a character that doesn't fit in with the background. So, with that I'll say I'm interested in joining up. Is there a lot of magic in this universe? Magic creatures but light magic for humans? Magic more along the line of "magitech" and enchanted stuff?