"Yes I'm new to the Leaves, name's Joshua." The priest was fortunately spared the indignity of being ridiculed by the massive Urak by a sudden explosion and crashing metal wiping out some of the furniture. Joshua's head ducked reflexively and his hand grasped a free chair, preparing to launch it as hard as he physically could manage. The relatively little alarm that pervaded the inn convinced him this was at least a semi-regular occurrence, though a strange one. He settled down however as an attractive, though equally strange elf entered the Inn through the wrecked wall. His eyes narrowed with appreciation, surprised to find a real woman even here, and then he returned to his more normal stance and crossed his arms as she spoke. "Joshua." He corrected, aiming to cut down on the new-guy talk as soon as possible, he wasn't the sort to let that sort of thing stand. He shrugged his shoulders and half-smiled. "Sorry, I'm used to being the biggest guy in the room, this is a little strange for me." "Still" he gestured to the elf in a slow motion humans sometimes used when they wanted someone to tell them their names so they could slot it into a sentence, a strange practice but an ingrained one. "You know how to make an entrance." He chuckled, though Joshua could hardly be considered the wittiest of men, he was more than comfortable with observational humour.