"Kreia. My name is Kreia. This....man that I came with is Hunter." She says, repressing the odd feeling to call him something she really shouldn't. "If you need me, I'll be in my room." She says to the others before heading down one of the corridors, opening the door and almost throwing herself inside, making sure to shut the door behind her and locking it, if possible. Once inside, Kreia immediately seizes a bed and lays down, getting herself relaxed. Thoughts of her now former master, Vahn, buzzed around in her head as to why and how he'd be leaving. Obviously it had [i]something[/i] to do with the Council, though she couldn't quite figure out what. These thoughts of her former master quickly drifted towards her current one, Hunter. She was half tempted to insult the Council again in his face just to get that fight he promised. She'd give him hell, she knew that much, though she didn't know herself of her master's capabilities, so decided against going back out just to cause trouble. With a sigh, Kreia lay back in the bed. It'd been a rough day so far, and not even an hour had passed! It was going to be absolute hell for however long she was stuck with [i]him[/i], and she knew she needed all the rest she could get... And so, Kreia slowly began to drift to sleep.