[i]Missed the fucker's knees![/i] thought Torben. [i]Oh, he's going to help us make soup, and then a raid's gonna happen. And before that, he's barging into our house.[/i] [b]"Waste of my fuckin'... mum, are you really going to believe this basket case?"[/b] Torben scowled at the thought that his airhead mother would probably buy into this spastic dipshit's words. "Torben... he wants to help, and he says there's a raid coming, so we should-" [b]"So we should stay here. How in the blazing fuck are we going to drag all our shit around?"[/b] "They'll carry it for us?" replied Torben's mom. [b]"And then they'll steal our shit. Smarten up, mum. This fucker just crashed into our house, not even so much as knocking. He's probably plotting something!"[/b] Torben groaned and then turned to the weirdo that entered their home unexpectedly. [b]"We're fine. We don't need help. Now get out of my bloody home."[/b]