[quote=Olimario948] Can I have some of the Far East desert? [/quote] Sure, no one has claimed it yet. [quote=solamelike] I would like to reserve here if possible. [/quote] Works for me. [quote=Tatsua Aiisen] If there's any territory available once everybody's claimed theirs, I'll take that. If not, I'll just quietly back out~! [/quote] Hmm, I think I missed something, what area on the map specifically? [quote=NarcolepticSailor] [/quote] Acceptable. [quote=LordZell] Could I get this area and this area basically I'm feeling islandly [/quote] Done. [quote=The Nexerus] Changed my mind: I'd like to build my dynasty in the passage leading between the land's main mountain range, south-west of Pepper's claimed area. [/quote] Ah, storms bay if I'm not mistaken? Prefect. I think that's everyone so far, in the mean time does any now someone good with map editing? I'm mostly stuck with photobucket and some other online programs until I get my Laptop back near the end of this week. If not I can make due till then, but a good mapper would be excellent.