[b][u]Rakata Prime[/u][/b] "The terms of the agreement is that we will provide your faction with a large amount of credits and technology, however actual military might is something we do lack in so the soldiers are down to you unfortunately. If you agree to this then we will happily assist you in defeating the Jedi, but once you've completed that, you must assist us in our... Let's say conquest… So, those are the terms, any questions?" Scelus examined the man for a long moment. He wondered who could be his employer, someone wealthy obviously, considering the quality of his armor and weapon. Perhaps a senator within the Republic who wanted to see the Jedi gone from the galaxy and sought to take the chair of Chancellor with the help of the Sith, but if this was the case then they would most likely turn upon the Sith and attempt to wipe them out in turn. Scelus looked at the man, unable to distinguish what his facial features or expression were behind his Turian-shaped helmet. Finally he spoke again, after a few minutes of silent contemplation. “I cannot make this decision on my own. I must meet with my fellow Tribunal Members on this matter. In the meantime, however, what is this… conquest we would be required to help your employer with?” Scelus watched the man as much as he could and began to open himself to the Force. He showed no sign of concentration as he used the Force to attempt to penetrate the agent’s mind to try and find the identity of this mysterious employer. The Dark Lord was subtle in his attempt, pushing here and there, looking for a way into the man’s mind instead of simply assaulting it and breaking in like so many other Dark Side Force Sensitives did with their intended targets. Scelus crossed his hands behind his back, cupping one in the other, standing across the table from the man still. ------------------------------ [b][u]Space Over Vondarc[/u][/b] "We apologise for our absence sir.” The mechanical voice of Viin, Xer Loa’s second in combat aboard The [i]Tresher[/i] came from behind him as the red-colored Geth entered the bridge. The Kel Dor Admiral turned slightly to see the Geth in his peripheral vision. “Quite alright, Viin. You should get to your station now and prepare for the coming battle.” The [i]Colossus[/i] suddenly appeared behind The [i]Tresher[/i] as it exited hyperspace near the planet of Vondarc. The circle of ship spread out slightly, falling into formation as the fleet approached the blockade around the planet after the short conference over the comm channels Xer Loa had left open. As the fleet neared, the fighters were launched to intercept the fighters from the Rebellion’s blockade. The ships met in the middle and the battle was begun. Ships were shot down from both sides, sending good soldiers to their graves in the unforgiving, monotonous void of space. As the Corvettes sped slightly ahead of the rest of the fleet, they unleashed their fire power upon the fighters and bombers of the Rebellions. Xer Loa was keeping track of the battle on the holoscreen before him and relaying orders to his men when one of the Corvettes lit up with fire and went down; escape pods were jettisoned into space to escape the fiery shell of the Corvette. The Admiral watched as some of the pods were destroyed in the crossfire of the battle. Xer Loa slammed his fist in anger and reopened the comm channel and ordered two other Corvettes to swoop around and defend the pods while retrieving the soldiers. He could not allow those defenseless pods to just be picked off. The dogfights continued as the rest of fleet closed the distance, The [i]Colossus[/i] remaining back with a defensive perimeter for now. Soon, bombers were launched and were swooping around the bigger ship of both sides. Laser fire flew across the void at other ships.