[quote=Dervish] Old news is old.There's currently the lamest argument happening in Off Topic now where people are freaking out about corruption in gaming journalism or some shit ( because clearly that's what this is about. Mmhmm) while completely ignoring real news journalism corruption and lack of integrity and the fact there's real issues in the world people should care about that's not about somebody sleeping with guys for reviews or whatever.The fact people are more outraged about that than Russia annexing chunks of Ukraine and facilitating a bloody civil war, Islamic radicals slaughtering hundreds if not thousands of innocent people, and the world's biggest ebola outbreak is really kind of sad and pathetic. [/quote] Probably because all that is far away. People seem to care more about things closer to them. As for the whole Russia/ISIS/Ebola stuff, I do my worrying about a topic for about an hour after learning of it. Then I go about my business because, frankly, me worrying about it isn't gonna do shit. And the article I posted, I thought it might be interesting for those who haven't heard about it.