[b] Rob-Woods-Emma,Shannon,Finch,James [/b] Rob grinned as the rain started, well it wasn't good. But He liked the rain, though it wasn't good in any circumstance. But that was just him. He watched as Emma fled to her tent. Before shrugging and looking back at the man, who had just called himself Finch. "Well you can call me Rob....bert....Robert" He smiled as he heard Finch explain what was wrong. "Oh...Oh...I think, I think. I know How to fix this! It's like, you do the popping thing. Trust me here right okay" Rob suddenly bent to the ground as he took Finch's arm. "I had a friend who could pop it in and out, So...this shouldn't be too hard.....but....Um, It'll probably hurt a lot...and also It's probably better too-" a Loud pop echoed. He jumped back, It would hurt a lot for Finch. He turned around to Shannon, "She seems quite...Shy, Well...I mean, More...by herself?" He tilted his head, asking about Emma.