"How did I become the bad guy?" Daniel said sitting down in the chair that was in the room. "I was the one that reported the girl to the nurses office. I'm the one of saved her life yesterday evening. How did I suddenly become the one to kill he?. I'm the one that reported this." Daniel said running his hand through his hair. He didn't understand, he was being a good guy here. "I'll answer your stupid questions. While you're here harassing me and Suki the attacker and killer is still out there. You are wasting your time!" Daniel yelled standing and getting into Takeshi's face. "This is bullshit. I know I agreed to answer questions and I will. But, you are wasting your time here. Suki has told you everything there is to know." Daniel backed up and fixed his bow tie. He swallowed and then began to speak again. "Check my katana. There isn't a single drop of blood on the thing. It's as shiny as it was the day I got it 8 years ago. I've never hurt anybody with it, I've never cut anybody or anything with it." Daniel said pulling the blade from it's sheath and showing it to Takeshi. "Also, fuck you. My grandfather gave me this when I was 8 and I do have the proper paper work to be carrying this around. So, get off my back. Jumping to conclusions is a bad thing, especially in your line of work." Daniel was pissed. There was literally no evidence leading people to believe he was the killer. Why would the killer take the girl to the nurse's office then come back and kill her. It didn't make sense to Daniel. and, just because he carried a sword around doesn't make him a criminal instantly. Takeshi was only doing his "job", and Daniel could respect that. But, Daniel didn't know why he was so pinned up on accusing him on being the killer. "Now, I'll start at the very beginning of yesterday." Daniel took a deep breath before starting his story. "I was walking down the hall to my dorm. Once I found it I went inside, plugged in all my gaming systems and put my Katana on the shelf. Then i laid down in my bed. I fell asleep until Weisse walked in. After he woke me up we talked for a while then Nikita walked in bring cookies. She is a super nice person. And, the cookies were amazing. About 5 minutes after she came in Suki here came in because she heard us say we had cookies. Which was okay with me and Weisse. After talking for about another 20 minutes we heard the scream. I grabbed my sword and rushed to the sound with Weisse and Suki following. I found the girl knocked out on the ground in a pull of her own blood. People began to rush into the basement. I blocked everybody out as I picked the girl up and put pressure onto her wound. I then carried her to the Nurse's office where they took her. I never saw her again." Daniel paused for a second. then started again. "I went back to Suki's dorm with her to get her stuff because I offered to let her stay over. I wanted her to be safe because [b]you[/b] haven't done your job and caught the person that has done this yet." daniel spoke raising his voice and looking at Takeshi. "But, after doing that we made our way back to my dorm where I then took a shower and started playing video games. then you showed up and Suki and Nikita left. After talking to you I went to bed. In the morning I woke up and got dressed. Then, I walked out of my dorm and saw Suki. we waited a while to see if Nikita would answer her door but she didn't. Then I decided to come her and check on the girl, see if she was okay. I worry, because I'm a good guy like that. Once arriving we saw there were no nurses in teh office. So, me and Suki made our way back here into this room. seeing the crime scene i had her send for help. Now here we are. I hope that answers all the questions you made have." Daniel sighed and opened the door. He left not caring what Takeshi had to say. He wasn't a real detective so he couldn't hold him nor Suki there. After making part way out of the office Daniel turned and said, "Suki, come on or we'll be late for class."