Chelkar steadied his aim against the rail of the catwalk and took the extra half second to secure it firmly into his soldier and ensure that it was snug and not liable to move in any direction. The extra few seconds it took to line up your shots and aim properly was worth all the wild firing in the world and few of the crazed heretics down below seemed aware of that fact. Just another reason to pity those who would dull their senses for... whatever the hell it was they traded for. He inhaled slightly and quickly fired off a burst of shots. Three bright crimson beams split through the air as it cracked and ionized. The first of these beams landed square into the chest, over the heart of the Imperial manning the stubber turret and he fell onto onto his back, dead long before he hit the ground. The second beam flashed out and caught the man to his right in the leg. Cauterizing the flesh around major artery and causing it's walls to dissolve and bleed out internally. As he collapsed into a quickly dying heap the third shot rang out above his head and scorched the metal and paint of the lander. He swore as the third shot missed and no sooner had it left the barrel had he picked his rifle up and ran across the catwalk to a slightly closer location and hopefully one where the men near those who were just slain would not look.