They came. They came from the darkness, the safe shade of the depraved and the vile. At first, it sounded like thunder in the distance. However, after a few moments, Caelis realized that the skies were clear and the air was dry. Those few moments was all he had before he realized just how wrong he was. The goblins came in a tumultuous wave of flesh. They all came straight towards not Caelis himself, but Faith who was starting to be pulled out of her blanket. Caelis drew his blade and simply began to swing at anything he saw or heard near Faith. His cuts weren't precise strikes that dispatched enemies. Rather, they were frantic swings, relying on brute strength and speed to cleave through anything that dared to come close to Faith. Caelis couldn't tell friend from foe, yet he continued to swing. He did not care as long as Faith was safe. He couldn't see anything, nor could he distinctly hear anything. Everything was loud, and chaotic. This was no mere fight. It was a battle; the one thing that Caelis was never expected to be able to deal with in Attolia. Yet, he did his best. Anything that sounded like it was close to him or Faith soon received a cold blade swinging swiftly down on it. The goblins became a bit smarter about their attempt to abduct Faith. They obviously wouldn't be able to get her without dealing with Caelis, so they began to converge on him in groups. Caelis was simply overwhelmed. As he cut down a goblin in front of him, another goblin jumped onto him from behind and viciously stabbed him with a small, crude blade. Caelis reached over with his left hand and pulled the goblin off him by flipping him forward. Caelis then kicked the goblin's head, which sent it flying for a few seconds. Then another goblin grabbed his leg and began to bite him while a fourth one came from his side and grabbed his left arm. Caelis swung down with his sword by using his right hand. But, as soon as he dispatched one, three more grabbed on to him and started to cut him. He was being dragged down by the sheer number of them. --- Faith looked around. Her sleepy, blurry eyes scanned the darkness. Tiny figures were running towards her, and leaping when they got close. Only to be violently cut down by a dark silhouette. She didn't understand exactly what was going on. She only knew that they were being attacked, but she couldn't decide what she was supposed to do. So, she watched as Caelis unleashed a fiery vengeance on the goblins that were attacking the camp. At first, it seemed like he was ruthlessly cutting them down, but more of them came and it was obvious that he wasn't going to be able to deal with the horde. To her horror, several goblins managed to grab Caelis and begin to stab him with their weapons. He began to fall from the weight of all the goblins beginning to pile on him. Faith screamed "NO!" Then there was light. A bright light just suddenly burst out of nowhere near Caelis for a second and then disappeared. The goblins were blinded and stunned by the light and fell off of Caelis. Faith took the opportunity to run to Caelis, grab his hand, and run towards the rest of the group. She pulled with all her might as Caelis stumbled while trying to follow Faith. They joined the rest of the group in their retreat. When they finally regrouped, Faith guided Caelis to a tree, and helped him sit while leaning on the tree. He was bloodied as small cuts and gashes were all of his body. She could smell his blood despite all the foul goblin blood that was splattered on him. Faith said "What do I do?" asking Caelis to explain to her how she could help. Caelis turned his head to her. He tightened his grip on Faith's hand and said while breathing heavily "Just... stay with me. I'll be fine. This is nothing. I've... been through worse." His breathing slowly calmed down. Caelis leaned his head back, and closed his eyes. It was late and he was tired.